playing the guitar or any musical instrument is a frustration for me. i just don't have the patience to finish learning it. but at least for guitar i know keys a,d g,e and c only and when i started to learn key f that's when i stopped. My fingers hurt...
just to add on the list of frustrations... if you were able to read my older posts prior to this. i already had misfortunes and i thought it already ended but guess what, the new place i rented is evicting me bec. they were found to have no permit to operate a boarding house.huhuhu and that leaves them no choice but to close and as for me, to move out asap! i haven't found a place yet! oh well... i still choose to smile in whatever situation i am in because i know tomorrow is another day... oh well, life goes on... life is like a ball., sometimes you're up and sometimes down